Saturday, June 30, 2007

Natural Healing ( Acid Reflux Disease )

June 30,2007
Natural Healing
Acid Reflux Disease
Almost half of all Americans over the age
of 40 suffer from acid reflux disease.
Acid reflux is when stomach acid and food
splash up into your esophagus ,and this can
be very painful. Symptoms include heartburn,
belching, and muscle spasms.
Acid reflux can eat away at your esophagus,
and can even cause cancer of the esophagus.
The good news, is that this disorder responds
well to natural treatments.
Natural treatments like dietary, herbal, and
stress reduction can help to improve or even
eliminate symptoms all together.
You've got nothing to lose but, the pain.

By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Friday, June 29, 2007

Natural Healing ( Snoring )

June 29, 2007
Natural Healing
Believe it or not, there are natural treatments
to stop that awful snoring. This site at the (GO HERE)
will teach you exercises that can stop that snoring in
as little as 14 days.
I remember when I was a kid my dad would scare the
heck out of me with that awful snoring. I mean it was
so loud and scary that I could swear that the walls were
sucking in and blowing out with every snore.
So stop scaring your kids and check out this site.
Use the natural treatments and let your family get some

By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Natural Healing ( Become Pregnant )

June 28, 2007
Natural Healing
Become Pregnant
Getting pregnant is not as easy as it sounds.
I know it seems that it's easier to get pregnant
when your young and maybe it is but, it's not al-
ways the wisest thing to do.
So you wait until after you feel your life is going
pretty good, and you've got a good partner in
your life. And then you make up your mind that
it's time to start your family. Well having a baby
is easier said than done.
My first two children were born a year and a half
apart. My third child came 7 years later and my
fourth and last child came 16 years later.
If I had known that there were natural treatments
that I could have used to help me become pregnant
with my last two children a lot closer in years to my
first two children, I would have been the first in line
to try it. Natural treatments are safe and inexpen-
sive, and are pretty successful.

By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Natural Healing ( Probiotics)

June 27, 2007
Natural Healing
Acidophilus is a beneficial bacteria that
lives in our bodies. It lives in our lungs,
throat, mouth, digestive and urinary tracts
and yes even in the vagina.
Acidophilus is a probiotic. It kills the bad
(harmfull) bacteria or it keeps it in check.
It breaks down undigested fiber, helps to
detoxify your system and helps make vit-
amins and amino acids. It is a natural
If you are taking a prescription antibiotic
space the probiotic 2 hours away from
the prescription dose. Prescription anti-
biotics wipe out the beneficial bacteria
allowing the bad bacteria to grow out of
control. By replacing the beneficial bac-
teria, by using probiotics you are helping
to keep your body balanced. Probiotics
are truly one of natures natural healing

By Laureng

Monday, June 25, 2007

Natural Healing (Coldsore freedom)

June 25, 2007
Natural Healing
There are seventy known viruses that
belong to the Herpes family. The more
common are herpes simplex 1 and 2 .
Both of these herpes simplex viruses
cause small, fluid filled blisters that are
very irritating.
Herpes simplex 1 is often at the root of
coldsores, also known as fever blisters.
Those of us who have had these out-
breaks know just how painfull these cold-
sores can be. There are natural treat-
ments available that can help your body
heal these outbreaks naturally and help
prevent futher outbreaks, by enhancing
your immune system. These natural
treatments work just as well or better
than synthetic medications.

By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Natural Healing ( Depression )

June 24, 2007
Natural Healing
Depression affects people of all ages, races
and nationalities, and according to the World
health Organization (WHO) is the most costly
of all diseases, mostly because it makes pe-
ople less productive. About 10 percent of the
US population experiences depression severe
enough, that they need medication. But, there
are many side effects that come with using sy-
nthetic medications. There are natural remedies
that are available, that work just as well or even
better than synthetic medications and without
the bad side effects. All in all I think natural tre-
atments are safe and work naturally with your body.

By Laureng

To learn More (GO HERE)

Friday, June 22, 2007

Natural Healing (Nature's Remedies)

June 22, 2007

Natural Healing
Honey Natures Remedie
Honey- an ancient remedie. It's name comes from
ancient Hebrew and means "enchant". It's valued
as a natural sweetner and for it's healing proper-
ties as well. Healing Treatments with honey is called
Apitherapy. Honey replenishes energy, enhances ph-
ysical stamina and strengthens those weakened by
illness. Honey helps to calm the mind and helps you
have a more restfull sleep, it also helps to dissolve
mucus. Honey can be applied to the skin to disinfect
and heal minor wounds. For a relaxing honey bath you
can mix 2oz. of honey with 5 drops of lavender oil then
add 1 or 2 tbsp of the honey-lavender mixture to your
bathwater to help you relax and to sleep more soundly.
Honey is one of natures healing treatments.
By Laureng

Monday, June 18, 2007

Natural Healing (Extra Income)

JUNE 18, 2007
Natural Healing Remedies
(Extra Income)
I wish I could say that natural healing
is free but, it isn't .Like everything else
it costs money. When your trying to heal
a serious illness like cancer, costs can
add up. To help with these costs you
might be thinking about making an income
on the internet. It's not hard to do, when
your taught by someone who knows what
they're doing. I found two gals, who can
teach you exactly how to make money on
the internet, no fluff ,no filler, just do what
they teach you and you can make a nice
income on the internet. Then you can buy
all the natural treatments you desire, and
not have to worry about breaking the bank.

By Laureng

To Learn More(GO HERE)
To Learn More(GO HERE)

If your looking for work in the clerical field.
To Learn More(GO HERE)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Natural Healing (Insomnia)

June 16, 2007
Natural Healing Remedies

If you suffer from chronic insomnia. Believe me you
are not alone. About half of all adults suffer from some
form of insomnia. When the inability to go to sleep or
to stay asleep through the night becomes a constant
battle ,most likely you have chronic insomnia.
You are going to have to deal with not just fatigue, but
sleep deficiency suppresses the immune system and
the libido, and this is not a good thing.
There are natural treatments that can help you to fall
asleep naturally.
By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Natural Healing Guide To Green Tea

June 13, 2007
Natural Healing
Green Tea

Green tea is a natural healing tea. It has
been used in China since 300BC. as a
medicinal beverage. Today millions of peo-
ple drink green tea everyday.
You can buy the tea bags or you can buy
green tea extract supplements.
Green tea is loaded with free radical fighting
antioxidants called polyphenols.
Polyphenols contain flavonoids, of all the
flavonoids green tea contains ,(EGCG) has
the strongest antioxidant and anti-cancer
activity. To prevent disease and maintain
wellness, you should drink at least 2 to 3
cups per day. Each cup of green tea contains
50 to 100 milligrams of polyphenols.
Drink green tea to your good health in natural
By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Natural Healing ( Male Enhancement)

June 11, 2007

Natural Healing
Male Enhancement
This is for all you ladies out there. You
know who you are. I'm guilty too. I want
I want the full measure of pleasure that I
can get from my man. If he isn't as well en-
dowed as I'd like him to be well, lets just say
I'm so glad that there is something we can
do. It does not envolve surgery. It is a all
natural treatment that works, and here
it is.
By Laureng

To Learn More(GO HERE)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Natural Healing with Whole Foods

June 10, 2007

Natural Healing
Whole Foods
Did you know that the Food Companies
are allowed to put chemicals in our food!
Chemicals that can make us addicted to
it. Chemicals that can make us fat! Eat only
natural, whole food, that is organic, and eat
plenty of fresh herbs with your meals.
Natural healing with herbs and eating or-
ganic food can help you lose weight and
help you keep it off.

By Laureng
To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Natural Healing Treatment for Hair Loss

June 9, 2007
Natural Healing
Hair loss
There are natural treatments
As we get older we may experience thinning
hair and eventually hair loss. There are many
factors that may cause us to lose our hair.
Some of the root causes may be,
Hormone imbalance (mainly thyroid)
Serious illness (with high fever)
Crash of fad diets
and many others.
Fortunately there are natural treatments we
can use to stop and reverse hair loss.
By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Natural Healing (Natural Cleanses)

June 7, 2007

Natural Healing
Natural Cleanses
Using the natural healing herbs
that God gave us as a natural body
cleanse, we can safely release toxins
from our bodies. These toxins can ac-
cumulate after years of eating processed
foods that may contain many chemicals,
used in processing. Also the pesticides
used in the growing of many of our fruits
and vegetables and, also the growth hor-
mones and antibiotics used in our meats,
can cause havoc in our bodies after years
of consumption.
Bloating,aches and pains and constipation
or even not being able to lose weight can
be signs that we are toxic. Natural treat-
ments are now available to help us cleanse
our bodies naturally, using natural healing

BY Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Natural Healing For Acne

June 6,2007
Natural Healing
Natural healing can help you heal your acne
problem naturally. Acne is not a right of pass-
age into adulthood. Teenagers are not the only
ones who suffer from acne. We adults are see-
ing this problem happening in our lives too!
Acne is not natural. Acne is caused by blocked
pores that are often infected. There are many
factors that can lead to clogged and infected
pores, from bacteria and yeast overgrowth to
food sensitivities. A bad diet and stress can also
lead to breakouts. Natural healing with herbs
can help you heal.

By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)

Natural Healing with Organics

June 6, 2007
Natural Healing
Organics is a part of natural healing.
Eating organics is another way for your
body to heal naturally. When you visit
your local farmers market, check out the
organic section. Now they may cost a bit
more but, your body will benefit in the long
run. Organic means you won't be exposing
your bodies to toxic pesticides, which means
you will have a healthier liver and healthier
kidneys, and your skin will glow.
Make natural healing a part of your lifestyle.
By Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Natural Healing, Natural Remedies

Natural Healing
Natural Remedies
The natural approach to healing recognizes
that most common complaints will go away by
themselves. The body can heal itself with nat-
ural remedies. Common problems such as
snoring, heartburn, weightgain, acne and other
complaints can be completely eliminated using
natural methods.
Most drugs actually work to suppress the bodies
efforts to heal. Excellent natural,nontoxic rem-
edies are available to ease your symptoms and
help your body to heal. These natural healing
remedies may include nutritional supplements,
organics, herbal cleanses and others.
Natural healing is the gentle way to help your body
heal itself.

by Laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Natural Healing (Cancer is Big Business)

June 2, 2007
Natural Healing
Cancer Is Big Business
The average cost of treating cancer
is $50,000, per patient. The success
record of todays cancer doctors is
about 7%. Only 7% now that is pretty
sad. They poison your body with chemo
and they burn your body with radiation.
It is totally barbaric, and it destroys your
immune system, leaving you exposed
to other illnesses. Many doctors will try
to discourage their patients from trying
natural treatments why? I wonder.
Many people are taking the natural
approach to healing their bodies.
They have sought and found natural
healing treatments that have worked
miracles for many. These are natural
treatments designed by nutropathic
doctors who turned suffering cancer
patients into very elated survivors using
natural healing treatments.

By laureng

To Learn More (GO HERE)
To Learn More (GO HERE)